Since 01.01.2021, people with care level 1 or higher who live at home can also settle the costs for offers of support in everyday life provided by individual volunteers with the care insurance via the relief amount. Nursing and housekeeping activities (e.g. gardening and clearing snow) are excluded.

On this website, we would like to provide you with all important information on this topic.

The main focus of the information is on the steps to register as an individual volunteer and the conditions required in advance.

Under the menu item  "FAQ" we also answer frequently asked questions and under “Material and Information” you will find further information material, such as our Flyer.

We look forward to supporting you on your way to registering as an individual volunteer.

Your specialist centres for dementia and care in bavaria


With the registration of individual volunteers, the specialist centres for dementia and care in Bavaria are only responsible for the inclusion in a list or the verification of the recognition requirements. Furthermore, the regional specialist centres for dementia and care in Bavaria have no knowledge of the services provided by the individual volunteers. No liability/responsibility is therefore assumed.


Hinsichtlich der Steuerpflicht von Aufwandsentschädigungen an ehrenamtlich tätigen Einzelpersonen (z.B. im Rahmen des § 45a SGB XI) haben sich Änderungen ergeben. 

Kurzfortbildungen für ehrenamtlich tätige Einzelpersonen nach § 82 Abs. 4 Satz 2 Nr. 1 AVSG

Den Flyer zur Ehrenamtlich tätigen Einzelperson gibt es nun auch in anderen Sprachen!

Was passiert, wenn die Registrierung nach drei Jahren abläuft? Informationen dazu finden Sie hier.